Here at FPC our fits follow the following three principles
1. Comfort:
If your position isn’t comfortable then you are likely in a position of dysfunction, this can lead to injury or at best an un-enjoyable ride
2. Efficiency/Performance:
We find that you are often in a more efficient performance oriented position when in one of comfort.
3. Aerodynamics:
We try to get you as aerodynamic as possible as long as you are 1 comfortable and 2 efficient.
If you aren’t comfortable you are going to move around adjusting your position and therefore the so called aerodynamic position isn’t so aero.
If you aren’t efficient in the aero position then you are working harder for the same speed/power.
To achieve this we utilise the Vertex Fit Cycle. This unique Vertex bike fitting system is unique in function and ease of use. On the Vertex Fit Cycle you the rider remain stationary while contact points move around you. The bike moves whilst you are peddling.
Fit highlights
Australian Rowing Team: 2022/23 NTC Canberra athletes Matt B: 2023 Ironman World Championships Kona – age group participant