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Metabolic Testing

Fitness Testing

Here at FPC, we utilise metabolic testing to help you achieve your goals as fast as possible.

We do this by identifying your Aerobic Threshold (AeT), Anaerobic Threshold (AT) and your VO2Max.

So what are and why are the above-mentioned point so important:

AeT is the point at which your body starts to produce lactate above resting values, a greater AeT allows you to train at a higher speed/power whilst utilising oxygen and fat/carbohydrates as an energy source and preserving muscle glycogen.
It also allows you to recover quicker between high-intensity sprints/intervals.

AT is the point at which lactate is produced and cleared at the same rate, i.e without accumulating in the blood. 
This is important because as you get fitter this point rises in comparison to the power we can perform before shifting from partial oxygen and glycogen energy system to full glycolytic.

VO2max is the maximal amount of oxygen your muscles can consume. It is expressed in two different ways:

Relative ml/kg/min this is useful to compare athletes of similar sports.
Absolute L/min this is useful to compare athletes of different sports eg. Rugby and Cycling where body size is quite different.

The VO2 max test provides a range of data that can be of benefit to cyclists, runners, triathletes or anyone looking to identify baseline measures. This VO2 max test includes absolute and relative VO2 max, absolute and relative maximal aerobic power, maximal heart rate, aerobic and anaerobic threshold. This data can be used for establishing your individual PERSONALISED training zones.

Other Tests Available:

Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR)
Metabolic Efficiency Test (MET)




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